Friday, January 23, 2015

Snow lake with Ethan

Sooo I met this really cute guy on tinder.. and after a couple dates it was my turn to plan a day! We woke up early and set off to hike Snow Lake. It was a magical day of fun in the snow with great company. 

We stopped for coffee and headed out Snoqualmie Pass. It was raining a little bit at the beginning but dried out to be a crisp cloudy day. 

10 miles round trip with a minor 2000 ft elevation gain. The trail was covered in a couple feet of packed snow. It was a challenging hike and snowshoes could have been helpful but we did it with just micro spikes and trekking poles. Ethan was so sweet the whole time holding my hand and helping me across the streams or large steps up an embankment. We had no place to be and no rush on time. Slow and steady we made it to the top. 

Lots of other people on the trail of various preparedness. haha I found it quite comical, I have never seen so much impromptu gear. Lots of tennis shoes. socks duct taped to pants. rain boots.. just plain stupidity!! I don't know how people do it, I would be miserable. 

At the intersection to the summer and winter trail it was impossible to follow. We wandered back and forth a bit trying to find the best route. We saw many groups turning around at this point. but made some friends who were a little more familiar with the trail and  followed their lead straight up the final steep climb to the ridge line. passed huge rock faces with large icicles hanging down. From there we dropped inward to the lake.. 

Unfortunately it was a completely cloudy day and the lake was socked in so we had no views. We still powered through it and sat on the bank to make lunch with my new jetfoil!! YUM! hot fajitas and chicken and potatoes on the mountain top. Nothing can top that. 

My highlight of the day was feeding the whiskey jacks from my hand. Those birds have no fear and kept coming and landing right on both of us to eat bread. It was the most exciting and thrilling event to be so secluded in nature. After a long lunch break we packed up and headed home passed various snowmen home to a hot shower , a pho dinner, and cuddling on the couch. 

I couldn't have asked for a better day or better company <3 Hoping for so many adventures to come!

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