Friday, January 23, 2015

Ira Springs trail to Mason Lake with Amanda!

January 8th, 2015
First hike of the new year!!

After a long and delayed morning waiting for mrs. emily I departed out on my own to meet fellow hiker babe amanda in North Bend to hike to Mason Lake. 

It was a beautiful clear blue sky day! The views were incredible! Mt Rainier shining in all her beauty!! We made it almost all the way up to the ridge line but had to turn around due to time constraints. We hit some slush at the top on the ridge but other than that the trail was snow and ice free. Amanda had to be back to work at 2:30 and because we got a much later start than planned it just wasn't do able to hike the last 30 minutes in to the lake.. Not a big deal to me because the ridge line is where we reached all of the incredible mountain peak views so i was satisfied. Definitely a hike I plan to re do in the near future!

The Ira Springs trail to Mason lake is 6.5 miles with 2420 ft elevation gain. Nice and easy climb. It hits a point where it Y's off and you can either go to Mason lake or to Bandera mountain peak. I hope to do both! 

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