Sunday, April 19, 2015

Lake Serene and Bridal Veil Falls with Riley

Lake Serene

8.2 miles 2000 feet elevation gain

The day had finally come. To  challenge and redeem myself. Two years ago upon return from living abroad I hiked to Bridal Veil Falls with my friend Crissy. I was so out of shape I wanted to die. I have always heard such beautiful things about Lake Serene but feared that I could never climb that far. I was in such bad shape physically. It has been daunting me ever since.

We pulled in at 8 am the only car at the trail head. Today Riley and I climbed to Lake Serene in no time at all.  I had to prove to myself how far I had come. We climbed with relative ease and strength. Step after steep step we climbed and the sites were well worth it.  Passing multiple falls as great and grand as Bridal Veil. Each were roaring larger than I have seen before due to all of the recent rain fall. I was so rewarded and accomplished. We were pleasantly pleased to find snow on the peaks. Ate a quick lunch and enjoyed before beginning the decent.

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